Today marked an epic day in our family’s history, as Stinky became the first of our children to participate in organized sports.
Tee-Ball has begun here in our happy suburb, and Iowa was so thrilled by that fact that it forgot that it’s May and gave us March weather instead. But the ridiculously cold weather could not dampen the spirits of one very excited five-year-old in a very oversized red t-shirt.
Stinky’s team is the Reds, and today they were playing against the Diamondbacks. But first they had a few minutes of practice.
Then they all sat on the bench for a pep talk from the coach. Basically the pep talk said “try to remember you’re playing an actual game and not getting a prize for who can draw the most elaborate picture in the dirt.”
Unfortunately, no one was actually paying attention to the coach’s speech, which might explain all the beautiful drawings in the dirt in the outfield.
Isn’t he so cute in the batting helmet?
His coach is an awesome guy; very patient. Maybe by the end of the season Stinky will learn the right way to stand and swing. I’m not holding my breath though.
I just love the concentration on his face in this picture. Coach had just told him to keep his eye on the ball.
And we have a hit!
Running to first base. Or possibly to second. Or possibly running for no reason anyone could possibly discern.
Proudly standing on base, once he found it.
And here he is running into home. Tee-ball for five-year-olds is an exciting sport where everyone gets to run home regardless of whether they actually earned the right or not. I think at one point Stinky was actually behind the kid who batted after him. It was all very cute.
Running the bases is fairly simple, but fielding is a bit more complicated. During his first couple times in the field, Stinky stood around looking cute and ignoring the ball while all his little teammates went after it. But by the third time out, he had figured out that he was supposed to be trying to catch the ball. It came to him, and he actually got down to grab it.
And then all those other kids that were also going after the ball ran into him and it was more like tackle football than tee-ball. Which I suppose was fitting, considering the windchills in the lower forties.
Thankfully, shortly after his highly traumatizing injury, the game ended with high fives all around.
And then it was the time they had all been waiting for– treat time!
At this point a certain seven-year-old became completely convinced of the unfairness and cruelty of the universe when he realized that snacks were only for the actual team members and not for their big brothers. And then we got to have a Teaching Moment.
But in spite of all that, Stinky had a fabulous time and can’t wait till next week.
Maybe he won’t have to wear a sweatshirt under his team shirt.